Waiting List Text Updates

Exciting tech announcement!  So here's what you need to know concerning text marketing.  If you choose to sign up for texts from GlamourEyes, I mostly plan on  using it for cancellation list notifications.  As you my already know I rarely send out marketing solicitations (when I do it's usually by email). I understand how obnoxious unwanted texts can be, therefore I recommend only opting-in when you would like active cancellation list updates, and sending 'Stop' when you are all set with appointments. To sign up, text 'Join' to (833) 231-8278. To remove yourself from the list, text 'Stop' to the same number. 

Please note that you are only confirmed for the booking after hearing back from me.  

For some reason Square only allows companies to offer texts in conjunction with a coupon. Since this is basically a cancellation list that most people do not regularly need, the only valid discounts which are always available can be found here.  Please disregard the Square coupon. Let me know if you have any questions.



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